Perfect Crock Pot Rice Pudding Recipe | (2024)

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If you love rice pudding and love cooking with your crock pot then here is a recipe for the best of both worlds. It's an easy way to make a simple, family-friendly dessert. Remember, all crock pots heat differently so you may need to adjust the cooking time.

Perfect Crock Pot Rice Pudding Recipe | (1)


ready in:

2-5 hrs

20 reviews


1 cup uncooked long-grain white rice
1 cup sugar
8 cups milk
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
ground nutmeg or cinnamon, as desired


Preheat the empty slow cooker on high heat for 15 minutes.

Combine the rice, sugar, and first measure of milk in the slow cooker. Mix well then cover the slow cooker and cook on high heat for 4 hours or until the rice is fully cooked.

Beat together the eggs, remaining milk, vanilla, and salt until fully blended. While stirring, pour the egg mixture into the cooked rice and mix until completely incorporated.

Cover the slow cooker and cook for 20 additional minutes or until the rice pudding has thickened.

Serve the crockpot rice pudding warm, sprinkled with grated nutmeg or cinnamon. Or, let it cool and serve at room temperature or chilled. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

added by

Christine Gable, CDKitchen Staff
Read more: In Search of Perfect Rice Pudding

crock pot notes

Crock pots/slow cookers all heat differently. There is no standard among manufacturers. Cooking times are suggested guidelines based on our testing. Please adjust cooking times and temps to work with your brand and model of slow cooker.

nutrition data

483 calories, 13 grams fat, 75 grams carbohydrates, 16 grams protein per serving.

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reviews & comments

  1. Cmetz REVIEW:
    May 7, 2021

    This recipe is PERFECT! I made it in class with my students using the skim milk they often (cringe) throw away. We're not allowed to save it because of COVID. We are making it again today with 1 1/2 times the ingredients for a larger batch. Crossing my fingers that it turns out. THANK YOU FOR THIS!! My students all wanted the recipe!!

  2. Cat REVIEW:
    April 8, 2020

    Used all 4 cups cow milk, 1 cup cream and 3 cups almond milk.cooked on low in slow cooker whole night. In morning added egg and more milk, perfect!!

  3. Tracey REVIEW:
    February 22, 2020

    I used 3 eggs and substituted 1/2 cup of whipping cream instead of milk. It was smooth and delicious

  4. maria710 REVIEW:
    February 24, 2019

    I love love love this recipe! I've made it many times. The only adjustment I needed was to heat the milk first. If you don't, it takes FOREVER to cook. If you do heat the milk first, you should check it in 3.5 hours - mine cooked very quickly with the heated milk. You won't be disappointed with this one!

  5. Guest Foodie February 2, 2019

    What do you mean by “the first measure of milk”?Your recipe does not state “8 cups of milk, divided”.Please explain, thank you.

    • CDKitchen Staff Reply:

      There are two listings of milk in the ingredient list. The first is 8 cups and the second is 1/2 cup.

  6. mrs_bentley REVIEW:
    November 3, 2018

    with all the rave reviews i thought i couldnt go wrong - something wrong happened.followed everything to a t. i used basmati rice & cut down the amount of sugar & used 2 stevia tablets. the rice was overall, rice grains were gluggy/mushy but seperated(?)- everything else was ok but it wasnt what i wanted. dont think id bother again, it was a longer then what i wanted experiment.

  7. Guest Foodie REVIEW:
    October 10, 2018

    Perfect Slow Cooker Rice Pudding............seems to be just exactly that! I just finished making it and tasted it and it really is delicious and the rice was not mushy, it was tender and smooth. I made it as written except for one little thing........I used two egg yolks and not the whole egg. I will be making this again and again this fall/winter. My rice cooker must run hot because I cooked it on Low and it still only took 4 1/2 hours. I did heat the milk in the micro before I put into crockpot with rice and sugar. Thank you for this wonderfully easy recipe.

  8. Guest Foodie REVIEW:
    April 11, 2018

    I tried this tonight and was pleasantly pleased! We will be having this again.

  9. Joyce REVIEW:
    October 17, 2017

    Wow is this a good recipe.

  10. Sara REVIEW:
    April 29, 2017

    I tried this today and it tasted awesome. However after 4 hours on high the rice was still uncooked. My Crock Pot must not heat up enough (although it cooks everything else fine). I did use Basmati rice, so maybe the cook time is longer? After 4 hours I transferred it to a pot and simmered it for 20 min. to cook the rice and then added the egg and vanilla. I didn't even use the extra milk and it turned out great, no egg curdles, just kept wisking constantly as I added the egg. I then simmered for another 12 minutes, removed from the heat and let it sit for an hour or so. Served it still warm and everyone raved about it and wanted more. I will definitely make this again. However, I am told that I will have to make it the same way....double cooked rice pudding! (I also forgot the cinnamon/nutmeg) Thanks for the recipe!!

  11. simone REVIEW:
    April 2, 2017

    delicious and not too sweet!

  12. Guest Foodie January 6, 2017

    do you think making it with brown rice would make it less mushy

    • CDKitchen Staff Reply:

      Brown rice requires a much longer cooking time than white rice and we haven't tested that in this recipe so you'd have to experiment. If you do use brown rice I would recommend taking the advice below about heating the milk beforehand.

  13. Kathi REVIEW:
    December 25, 2016

    Tried this recipe a couple of days ago and was not disappointed! I use to make it in a double boiler on the stove with a recipe handed down by my mom but now will be using our crock pot to make rice pudding much more often. Everyone loves it, warm or cold, it's divine! I didn't change a thing. Thanks so much for posting.

  14. kpatt3 REVIEW:
    November 28, 2016

    I've made this for years. It's a family favorite.

  15. Anonymous REVIEW:
    October 8, 2016

    Here's a trick for those who have trouble with this recipe making the rice mushy - heat the milk first. My sister made this and it turned out great but she has a crock pot that often overcooks things. I made it in my crock pot that never overcooks and it didn't turn out. I tried again this time heating the milk (about to the temp that you scald at) and it was PERFECT! Also, to the person that had egg whites floating in it, there is no way you did that right! Try again, it is a good recipe.

  16. lin REVIEW:
    February 22, 2016

    This recipe should be scrapped. way too sweet, too much milk, rice was overcooked, when I put eggs in, they curdled and I had egg whites floating throughout. I even tempered eggs first w/some of the hot milk. I did not add the extra 1/2 cup of milk w/the eggs. still too thin.

    • CDKitchen Staff Reply:

      Oh my - if you had egg whites "floating throughout" then it sounds like you didn't beat them enough before adding them (since it says to combine them with the additional 1/2 cup milk maybe you skipped this step?). Since crock pots all heat differently it's hard to troubleshoot when recipes don't turn out for someone else. It may be that your crock pot doesn't heat up fast enough, that's one reason I've encountered when rice doesn't cook properly in a crock pot. You could try heating the milk before adding it if that's the case.

  17. grammy REVIEW:
    November 22, 2013

    This was a little eggier than I thought it would be. Tasted good and was sweet enough just the texture was more eggy.

  18. littlebirdoz REVIEW:
    August 30, 2013

    I will cut back on the sugar. I only added 3/4 of a cup and it was way to sweet for us. But overall a good recipe.

  19. Trish65 REVIEW:
    March 14, 2013

    Really enjoyed this pudding and it was simple to make. I followed the recipe exactly the first time and it turned out too soupy. The second time I made it, I cut the milk in half to just a tad over 4 cups and it turned out perfectly. Some folks might like it on the soupy side; we like it a little more firm.

  20. nana REVIEW:
    January 18, 2013

    Absolutely delicious! Grandson's ate is as a porridge for breakfast and loved it. Making it again tonight!

  21. Cindy REVIEW:
    February 25, 2012

    We love this pudding recipe. It really cooks the rice so the consistency isn't rice-like but mushier. My husband likes it better this way. Easy to make and smells great while cooking!

  22. lovelylamma REVIEW:
    January 15, 2010

    I made the pudding with skim milk instead of whole milk. It was very delish! I think next time I won't cook it for 4 hrs. in slow cooker as it was a little mushy, but the family loved it.


Perfect Crock Pot Rice Pudding Recipe | (2024)


How do you keep rice from getting mushy in a crock pot? ›

When Do I Add the Rice to Slow Cooker So It Doesn't Turn Out Mushy?! Add the rice to the slow cooker that is cooking on high, when there is 2 hours left in the cooking time. If your slow cooker is set on low, add when there is 2 hours 45 minutes left in the cooking time.

Should you rinse rice for rice pudding? ›

While we've mentioned before that this dessert gets its perfectly creamy texture from the starch that is released when the grains are cooking, we do suggest a rinse for this recipe in order to wash off excess debris and added starch.

How do you keep rice pudding from getting watery? ›

Don't cover when it's still hot

Do not cover when the pudding is still hot, but should be covered when the pudding has cooled. This is to avoid the presence of steam which makes the pudding runny.

Can I put uncooked rice in a crock pot? ›

Rub your slow cooker lightly with 1 tablespoon butter or margarine. Pour in rice, water and salt. Cover and cook on High 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally. Note: Up to 4 cups raw rice may be prepared in slow cooker making 10 cups cooked.

Why is my rice hard in the crock pot? ›

Once you have your water and rice ratios down, you need to cook the rice for the appropriate amount of time at the right temperature. If the heat is too high, the water evaporates before the rice has a chance to fully cook. If you don't add enough water, the rice ends up dry and crunchy.

What kind of rice is best for rice pudding? ›

Although this dish is most commonly made using long grain White Rice (some would even use Thai Jasmine Rice, many would argue that, to achieve a balance between consistency and flavor, aromatic Basmati Rice should be used as it contains starch.

Why is my rice pudding mushy? ›

I don't recommend any other type of short-grain or quick-cooking rice for rice pudding, as it tends to result in a mushy pudding with this long-simmering recipe. Milk – Whole, full-fat 3.5% b.f. milk is best for rice pudding. You can use 2%, if that's all you have, though the resulting pudding won't be quite as creamy.

Why is my rice pudding not softening? ›

As a result, the rice in the pudding can become firm and hard when it cools down. It's a natural process that occurs with certain types of rice. To prevent this, you can try adding a bit more liquid or cream to the rice pudding before refrigerating it. This may help maintain a softer texture when you enjoy it later.

Why isn't my rice pudding thick? ›

However, you can add, if, if your rice pudding di or vanilla pudding didn't thicken it is not only because of the kind of milk you used, you generally you need to use some kind of a starch, either arrow root or corn starch. I wouldn't use teca starch cuz that makes things a bit stretchy.

What if my rice pudding is too thick overnight? ›

Rice pudding will keep well in the fridge for 3 to 4 days in an airtight container. If you want to reheat leftovers, you can stir in a tablespoon or two of milk to loosen the pudding on the stovetop if it has become too thick in the fridge.

Why did the milk curdle in my rice pudding? ›

Boiling is a sure way to curdle milk. It's not just boiling. Heating milk too quickly, even if it never comes to a boil, can also curdle it. To prevent the dairy from curdling, heat the milk gently over medium-low heat.

When should I add rice to my slow cooker? ›

White converted rice should be added to the crock pot with about 2 hours left of cooking time; add an additional 1 1/2 cups (360 ml) of water or other liquid per 1 cup of rice to the crock pot. Cook on low heat.

How do you make James Martin's rice pudding? ›

Heat a large non stick pan until hot, pour the milk in, add the butter, add the rice and coat all over. Add the sugar, milk and cream, then the vanilla seeds. Stir through then simmer for 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Pour into an oven proof serving dish and then pop in the oven for 10 minutes.

How to make Jamie Oliver's rice pudding? ›

Method. Put the rice, milk, 200ml of water, half the maple syrup or honey and the vanilla into a large pan. Give it a good stir, then place the pan on a very low heat. Cook gently for around 45 minutes, or until thick and creamy, stirring regularly.

How do you keep rice fresh in a crock pot? ›

Remove the lid and check water levels every 10 minutes to ensure the rice does not dry out. The bottom of the cooker should have a small layer of water at all times. Add 1/2 to 1 cup of water if it does not.

How long can you keep rice in a slow cooker? ›

To keep the rice safe, it is recommended to stir it occasionally, add some liquid if necessary, and make sure to serve it within 4 hours of cooking.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 6069

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.