Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (2024)

I start each summer off with high hopes and big plans. We make summer “bucket lists” – essentially outlining the fun things we want to do before summer ends. In reality, I spend the last one to two weeks of summer cramming in as much activity as I can so I don’t suffer the post-summer mama guilt that seems to haunt me at the end of each and every summer.

To try to make up for my lack of ability to actually check off every item on our summer bucket list, I start each school year being super on top of things at breakfast time. There’s no cereal, bagels or pop tarts… only home cooked, hot of the stove or out of the oven breakfasts. This lasts for, oh, about one week then we are back to our typical grab whatever you can and rush out the door mornings. Tell me you can relate… please!

I make a version of these handy little egg cups wrapped in bacon, but thought I’d try them without the bacon and instead adding a little bit of chopped ham. Friends… these are so incredibly easy, I promise. Send your kids off with these delicious, breakfast goodies in their bellies and you’ll feel like a parent who has their stuff together, even if you are only faking it.

Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups

These can be placed in the refrigerator after they are baked and reheated in the microwave for a quick and easy breakfast on the run!

  • 12 eggs
  • 1 cup chopped deli ham
  • 2 ounces shredded cheddar cheese
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 350°
  2. Spray a muffin pan generously with Pam cooking spray
  3. Crack one egg into each hole of the muffin pan, using a fork to gently break the yolk.
  4. Sprinkle each egg with ham, salt, cracked black pepper and cheese.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes.
  6. Pop out of muffin tins and serve.

Reader Interactions


  1. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (3)Rachel @ Not Rachael Ray says

    You’re a super-mom! These sound great, and your kids are so lucky to be treated to home-cooked meals!

  2. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (4)Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    Ok the fact that you just crack and egg in a muffin pan and bake for 350 for 20 mins..this is a newsflash to me! After years of being vegan, I cook/bake with eggs every so rarely again these days but am not clued into egg recipes…lol

    Post summer mama guilt…I have that on Sunday evenings…post weekend guilt that I didnt do enough. Us mama’s…it always something, isnt it.

  3. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (5)Cassie says

    Delish!! I would probably prefer the ham to the bacon, they sound so flavorful. I have a hard time with hearty breakfasts in the morning before I head out to work…I always end up spending way too much time on Twitter so I don’t end up making anything!

  4. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (6)Amy | She Wears Many Hats says

    With school starting back, I’ve been playing with simple breakfast recipes for the past few weeks for those crazy mornings. This one looks yum!

  5. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (7)Bev Weidner says

    Ooooo this is RIGHT up my alley, Kristen! I’m gonna make these this week, if I can regain vision after looking at the glory.

  6. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (8)Nelly Rodriguez says

    Can you be MY mom? These looks perfect!

  7. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (9)Cookbook Queen says

    Hahahaha…I can TOTALLY relate!! But Jon David won’t eat breakfast that early, so I end up begging and I’m lucky if I can get him out the door with a piece of sausage or some cubed cheese.

    These look fabulous!! Definitely on my “to do” list.

  8. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (10)Maris (In Good Taste) says

    I love these! I have no kids but will be making these for myself!

  9. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (11)Susan says

    yum…i love the idea of having these in the frig to heat up in the morning. Thanks for this idea.

  10. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (12)TidyMom says

    These look and sound delicious Kristen! My girls will eat them, as long as I get up and cook them! lol…….you’re a GREAT Mom

  11. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (14)Robyn | Add a Pinch says

    These look mighty delicious and I sure love simple and fast recipes like this!

  12. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (15)Curt says

    That’s an awesome idea. Beats an Egg McMuffin by a mile!

  13. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (16)TheFromagette says

    Oh, I like this idea! I think they might freeze well for me to grab on the fly. I’m going to try lining the muffin cups with a 1/2 slice of prosciutto…

  14. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (17)Amanda says

    You. Are. Genius. I adore this. I am SOOOOO making them! Thanks for the great recipe and inspiration!

  15. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (18)Sharon says

    Oooooo! This is so
    Yummy looking my mouth is
    Watering with breakfast envy right now!
    Glad I bought more eggs this week! Thanks again for
    Sharing ! Such a Mom thing which is a
    GOOD thing!

  16. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (19)Evelyn Cucchiara says

    Love this idea, and not just for kid’s breakfast. I feel a brunch coming on……

  17. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (20)Evelyn Cucchiara says

    PS – Do you think you could do these one at a time in the microwave?

    • Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (21)Danielle says

      you can, just make sure to break the yolk! And if you scramble it (I usually do when microwaving because the yolk can get rubbery) they puff waaay up.

  18. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (22)Sharon {Grumpy, Sleepy, and Bashful} says

    I have seen recipes like this, and I have yet to try it. I think I’ll try it with your recipe . . . my kids love eggs (most of the time). And, this seems too easy to be real. Can’t wait. Wrapping in bacon. Um, YUM. Might have to try that, too!


  19. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (23)Pat Wogan says

    Having eaten these at your house, my question is, could you substitute sausage for the chopped ham for your little sausage lover? I didn’t realize these were so easy to prepare. I’ll be trying them!

  20. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (24)Loy says

    This look so very good. Not a child one in this house, but I would love them. Your little story about the beginning of school reminds me of when I was a new bride many, many years ago. Wanting to be a good wife I embarked on a campaign to make breakfasts from scratch for my new hubby. About three weeks in, he asked that I please stop. He just wasn’t a breakfast person, and he isn’t till this day except on rare occasions. I think these would be good with some browned up sausage, too.

  21. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (25)Cathy D says

    Oh thank you! I, too, have that never-ending Mama guilt! Hopefully these little breakfast cups will help mine as well! 🙂
    Has anyone tried freezing them? If so, how well did they reheat?

  22. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (26)Marla {family fresh cooking} says

    Love these little breakfast cups…all that protein and a little fat starts the day off right.
    “Tell me you can relate… please!” Yes I can.

  23. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (27)Debbie @TheHipHostess says

    What a tasty way to start the day. Really like the easy factor of this!

  24. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (29)Lori @ RecipeGirl says

    Yummy! We are both thinking back-to-school breakfast this AM!

  25. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (31)bridget {bake at 350} says

    Kristen…I am the SAME way! I start off the school year so good…pancakes and waffles, and muffins, etc. By the 3rd week, cereal has made it into the rotation. 😉

    THESE look so good! How smart…eggs in a muffin tin! I love it! Thank you for the great idea!

  26. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (32)Natalie says

    You are ahead of me. I have been up since 4 am, and I still fed the big and middle littles cereal, leftover pancakes, and juice for breakfast. You have inspired me, though, as usual, and I cannot wait to try this recipe!

  27. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (33)ErinsFoodFiles says

    I really need to make these. My husband heads into work at 2:30am and I *hate* that he always wants to grab a Poptart for breakfast. This is a much healthier alternative!

  28. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (34)Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction says

    Yum! Love this whole breakfast cup idea… I was just sitting here thinking that I had no idea what to make for breakfast tomorrow morning. Have to give this a try!

  29. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (35)Lucy Lean says

    I’m impressed that you get to the list stage – no lists and nothing to do! I love these breakfast treats – i’m calling them bacon and egg cakes and serving them up to my kids on their first day of school – which for me isn’t until after labor day – they miss the first 3 days cos I’m in England for my sister’s wedding…

  30. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (36)Katie @Epicurean Mom says

    This sounds amazing!! All my favorite things ham, egg and cheese!! Yum!

  31. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (37)naomi says

    My little guy will love this. He’s the odd kid out because he doesn’t like cereal but loves eggs.

    These are so creative and so delish looking!

  32. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (38)Aimee @ Simple Bites says

    Kristen, the boys and I totally made a list at the beginning of the summer– and now I don’t want Noah to find it because we’ve only done one or two things!

    Still, it’s been a great summer.

    And my boys would love these breakfast cups. Thanks!

  33. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (39)Brian @ A Thought For Food says

    I’m not ready for the end of summer… I’m not at all. Too many things I still want to do.

    This beautiful breakfast is exactly what I love to consume on weekend mornings. Beautiful presentation and the shots are stunning

  34. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (40)Teagan says

    These are so delicious!! I tried them with bacon instead of ham, and added some onions (I dont know why I love onions so much). I even made a few extra to last through the week ^_^ Thanks for sharing these!

  35. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (41)Sommer@ASpicyPerspective says

    Mommy guilt will get ya every time!

    These little beauties are just what I’m carving at the moment. 🙂

  36. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (42)mjskit says

    WOW! These look absolutely amazing! And so easy! I know what we’re having for breakfast in the morning!

  37. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (43)Joy says

    Great recipe. This would be great for people that are on the run and don’t have time for a sit down breakfast.

  38. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (44)theurbanbaker says

    those look delish. i may have to make those this weekend. BTW, I got very little done on my summer bucket list this summer. It’s just so easy to become “lazy”!

  39. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (45)kkadi28 says

    I made these this morning with precooked bacon b/c that is what i had on hand. They were GREAT and EASY and cooked while i bathed my 3 y/o. AND…best of all…she ate them!

  40. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (46)Megan says

    I saw these on pinterest and am baking them this morning using sausage. So excited to taste them! Thanks!

  41. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (47)Sharon {Grumpy, Sleepy, and Bashful} says

    I’ve been meaning to try this recipe for a LONG time … well, since you posted it! I’m making it tomorrow for my kids AND for my MOPS group. Hopefully they are all going to love me for it.

    Thanks for the yummy inspiration!

  42. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (48)Cooking on a Dime says

    Oooh love ham instead of bacon. Sounds yummy-tastic!

    • Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (49)Jenniah De Hope says

      If you are from the north , Taylor ham works great as well

  43. Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (50)Terri H says

    I will be making these for one of our “breakfast for lunch” days for daycare! And, by the way, my kids may be jealous that your kids had ANY hot weekday breakfasts. I love to eat breakfast-type foods, just can’t manage them for breakfast unless it’s a weekend! I taught my kids at a young age how to manage their own breakfasts and weekend lunches. I know, lazy mom! 🙂


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  2. […] List which is a UK food site. I haven’t tried it yet, but I intend to give it a go! Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups – These little breakfast dishes look perfect for a hectic back to school morning! I love […]

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Post-Summer Mama Guilt {Recipe: Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups} (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.