Mta Bus Time Q85 (2025)

1. Route Q85 - MTA Bus Time

  • Route Q85

  • TIP: Enter an intersection, bus route or bus stop code.

2. [PDF] MTA Q85 bus timetable

  • Green Acres. West Circle. Dr / Parking. Structure. (Arrive). 12:10. 12:14. 12:19. 12:23. 12:29. 12:33. 12:39. 12:46. -. -. 1:30. 1:34. 1:38. 1:41. 1:47.

3. MTA Queens Q85 bus Times - NYC - Transit App

4. [PDF] Between Rosedale and Jamaica - MTA

  • Q85 LIMITED-STOP Buses make all local stops north of Liberty Av/168 St. Refer to schedule for times. Q85 LIMITED-STOP. Buses make all local stops south of.

5. MTA bus: line Q85 (Rosedale or Green Acres Shopping Mall

6. Bus New York City | iPhone app with MTA Bus Time & Maps - Electric Labs

  • Discover when your next bus is due to arrive in realtime using the most feature rich New York bus app available. Realtime subway also now available.

7. New York MTA Real-Time Arrivals - TransSee

  • New York MTA Bus vehicle search. View all vehicles up to 30 vehicles. Find vehicles by fleet number separated by commas or dashes for a range (numbers only):.

  • New York MTA Real-Time Arrivals

8. MTA Queens Q8 bus Times - NYC - Transit App

  • The next Q8 bus leaves 165 St Terminal / Q8 Stand at 11:55 PM, and arrives at Pitkin Av / Euclid Av at 12:25 AM. The total trip time for the next MTA Queens Q8 ...

  • Q8 Gateway Mall / East NY - Jamaica next bus time, schedules, route maps, alerts and all stop locations

9. MTA: Real-Time Bus Tracking Arrives In Brooklyn, Queens - CBS News

  • Mar 10, 2014 · "MTA Bus Time is yet another way we are trying to improve service ... Q85, Q88, Q9, QM1, QM10, QM11, QM12, QM15, QM16, QM17, QM18, QM2 ...

  • Customers can use a smart phone, the web, or text message to get the location of the next bus in real time.

Mta Bus Time Q85 (2025)


How long is a NYC MTA bus? ›

All express buses are diesel-powered, 45 ft (14 m) long commuter coaches. All buses are high-floored.

What is the longest NYC bus route? ›

Longest rides: The longest local bus route is Staten Island's S78 at 19.7 miles between the St George Ferry Terminal and the Bricktown Mall in Charleston.

What is the longest MTA ride? ›

The A provides the longest one-seat ride in the system—at 32.39 miles (52.13 km), between Inwood and Far Rockaway—and a 2015 study indicated that it had a weekday ridership of 600,000.

What is the oldest MTA bus? ›

Why the Oldest Bus in the MTA Fleet is Now History. NEW YORK - The Metropolitan Transportation Authority has said goodbye to the oldest bus in its fleet. The “Rapid Transit Series” bus dates back to the 1980s. It was officially retired Monday with one last passenger run on the M55 route, from Midtown to Lower Manhattan ...

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.