How Many Burp Cloths Do I Need - The More, The Better (2024)

Shopping for a new baby is pretty exciting. Most parents tend to fill up trolleys or carts with items such as cute baby clothes, blankets, and sheets. What about burp cloths? And how many burp cloths do you need? Unfortunately, more often than not, burp cloths are bought as an afterthought or left out entirely!

So, exactly how many burp cloths do you need? Today I want to discuss why burp cloths are a must-have and what’s a good number to buy. I’ll take it a step further and discuss the recommended number of burp cloths to buy in relation to your baby’s age, and if there are other alternatives. I’ll also include a few recommendations based on my research.

Let’s get started!

Table Of Contents

  1. How Many Burp Cloths Do You Need?
    • How Many Burp Cloths Do I Need for My Newborn?
    • How Many Burp Cloths Will I Need for My Baby’s First Year?
    • Will I Need Burp Cloths After My Baby’s First Year?
  2. Summary of the Number of Burp Cloths You Need
  3. What Are Burp Cloths Used For?
  4. Do I Need to Get Burp Cloths?
    • What is the Right Size for Burp Cloths?
  5. Do Cloth Diapers Make Good Burp Cloths?
  6. Burp Cloths vs Washcloths vs Bibs: What is the Difference?
  7. Final Thoughts

How Many Burp Cloths Do You Need?

A good number of sources will tell you that you’ll need at least four burp cloths for your little one. I beg to differ. I say the more you have, the better. Burp cloths are used for much more than only burping your little one. How many? Between 10 and 12 is a good number.

These nifty clothes will come in handy when you have to wipe spit-ups and vomit. Also, on occasion, some babies may suffer from acid reflux or colic. Aside from purchasing comfortable feeding bottles that minimize the amount of air inhaled during feeding, you’ll need to buy a bunch of burp cloths too.

You may ask: why so many to buy? Sometimes the spit-up can be intense. One big burp is enough to soil the entire cloth. Skimping on the number of burp cloths you have on hand at any given time will have you washing them every couple of hours. Not to mention the risk of eventually running out before the day is over.

Another way to determine how many clothes you need is to figure out the number of feeds you give your baby in a day. Ideally, every feeding session needs a fresh new burp cloth. It’s The healthy thing to do.

How Many Burp Cloths Do I Need for My Newborn?

On average, a newborn baby feeds around eight times in a 24-hour day, especially during the first few months. So to be safe, you’ll need at least eight burp cloths in a day for your newborn, maybe more.

Make sure you invest in quality burp cloths designed to effectively absorb liquids.

Or, you get your hands on the ARNZION Baby Burp Cloths which are also soft, absorbent, and wide enough to protect your baby’s clothes.

How Many Burp Cloths Will I Need for My Baby’s First Year?

During the first year, a lot of spit-ups will happen. It shouldn’t be cause for concern if happening in small amounts. Simply stock between 20 and 30 burp cloths during this time. It’ll save you a lot of cleaning.

What are spit-ups and why do they occur? Spit-ups and acid refluxes are more apparent during the first year of your baby’s life. Why? Your little one’s muscle located between the stomach and esophagus which serves to keep food down hasn’t fully matured yet. It’s only after your baby’s first year of life does it become fully developed.

Will I Need Burp Cloths After My Baby’s First Year?

Burping ceases to be necessary as your baby gets older and their digestive system matures. But some older babies will still need burp cloths especially if they suffer from conditions such as acid reflux. Parents can budget for at least 4 burp cloths for 1 – 2-year-olds to be on the safe side.

Even if you don’t necessarily burp kids older than a year, it’s not uncommon for them to vomit if their little tummies are too full. Burp cloths will come in handy then.

Summary of the Number of Burp Cloths You Need

Here’s a summary of how many burp cloths you need per baby’s age or stage of their life. Hopefully, this will help you plan and budget accordingly.

AgeNumber of burp cloths
Newborn – 6 months20
6 months – 12 months15
1 year – 2 years4/year

Of course, you may need to replace burp cloths after 6 months of usage, so the above figures should only be used as a benchmark.

What Are Burp Cloths Used For?

You’ll learn soon enough that no feeding session is complete without burping your little one, especially during the first 4 to 6 months of their life. Babies tend to swallow air while feeding. Burping your baby helps get rid of air which is known to cause great discomfort for your child.

Below is a video outlining the different safe burping techniques you can try out.

You could choose not to burp your child after each meal. But be prepared to deal with a cranky and squirmy baby because of all the gas in their little tummy.

If you’re lucky, only gas is produced during the burp. In some cases, small amounts of milk are regurgitated. No need to panic when this happens. It’s coined a “wet burp” in the medical world and is pretty normal. What you need to have is a burp cloth handy. Simply drape this small piece of cloth over your shoulder and burp your little one.

While burp cloths are specifically designed for use when burping your little one, you’ll realize how versatile they are. Babies are cute and adorable but can be very messy. Burp cloths will effectively clean up messes such as the following:

  • Remnants of baby milk from your baby’s mouth
  • Spit-ups from your baby’s clothes and yours too
  • Wipe off vomit from your baby’s face
  • Wipe off drool

Do I Need to Get Burp Cloths?

I’ll admit there are certain baby items you can do without. I can assure you burp cloths aren’t among them. You can decide to skip using burp cloths altogether during the burping process. The alternative is having your shirt soaked up with your baby’s spit-up. You decide. I still remember those artistic decorations on my black T-shirt whenever that happened.

These multi-purpose little clothes will soon become your go-to fabrics whenever you have to clean up little messes on your baby. And trust me, that’ll happen A LOT. Rather play it safe and be prepared.

You could argue you can use any towel, the nearest baby blanket, or some sort of cloth to wipe off these messes. But the reality is that burp clothes are specifically designed for this task. This means they’re made using soft materials which are effective at absorbing liquids. And also keep smearing to a minimum. The same can’t be said about regular towels or other random pieces of fabric for the mentioned purpose.

What is the Right Size for Burp Cloths?

We’ve gathered that burp cloths are small pieces of cloth. But how small is small? In other words, what is the ideal size for a burp cloth? Ideally, burp cloths should be small, but not too small, or else you’ll wind up with most of the milk, vomit, or drool on your hands or shirt. A 44 to 45 inches wide cloth is a safe size.

Do Cloth Diapers Make Good Burp Cloths?

If you do decide to use alternatives to burp cloths, consider cloth diapers. Cloth diapers are made using soft materials making them safe and gentle to use on your little one. Some parents also reckon swaddles make good burp cloths. This is because they are large enough to cover your entire shoulders and chest.

The key lies in making sure the material is soft, absorbent, and won’t cause harm when you wipe your baby’s delicate face.

Burp Cloths vs Washcloths vs Bibs: What is the Difference?

Many parents are confused when we talk of burp cloths, washcloths, and bibs. Some even use the terms interchangeably. This is because all three serve more or less the same purpose. The main difference is with burp cloths and washcloths: you can drape them on your shoulder to protect your clothes from baby spit-ups or messes while burping. Or use them to wipe your baby’s face. Bibs on the other hand are used by infants.

In essence:

  • Burp cloths are usually larger, thicker, and more durable than washcloths and bibs. Plus, they have excellent adsorbent properties.
  • Washcloths are slightly smaller and thinner than burp cloths. They are usually small squares and made of soft cotton such as the Spasilk Terry Baby Washcloths.
  • A bib is a garment that goes around your baby’s neck and hangs on the chest. It’s used when your little one is consuming messy foods to keep their clothes clean. An excellent example is these adjustable Upsimples Baby Bandana Bibs.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re planning how many burp cloths to buy or request on your baby registry, hopefully, you now have a clear number to work with. Remember you’ll need more during the first year of your baby’s life since a lot of burping and drooling will be happening then. This way you’ll only need to launder burp cloths once a week leaving you to focus on more important things such as raising your baby!

Did you know that a good place for storing burp clothes is your diaper caddy?

How Many Burp Cloths Do I Need - The More, The Better (2024)


How Many Burp Cloths Do I Need - The More, The Better? ›

You may not need to double the number of burp cloths you put on your registry if you are expecting twins, but you may want to stock up on more than the standard eight to fourteen that are recommended for parents who are expecting one child.

How many burp cloths do you actually need? ›

But anywhere between eight to 14 burp cloths is a good number to have for a single baby. However, if you have more babies, the number increases proportionately as each baby gets a fresh cloth each burp session.

How many burp cloths should I put on my registry? ›

Most baby registries feature four to six burp cloths, or an average of two packs. Our rule of thumb is to double that. Register for 10 to 12 cloths in various patterns or colors. The soft material is excellent for everything from gently wiping a wet chin after a feeding to sopping up drool.

How many burp cloths do I need in my diaper bag? ›

Pack one or two burp cloths or even washcloths for your baby's spit-up, or for wiping up spills. Bottles and feeding supplies. If you are using them, pack baby bottles and other feeding supplies like bottle nipples, pre-made formula (or powdered formula for mixing later), or a portable bottle warmer.

How often should you change burp cloths? ›

They will need to be washed regularly. But how often will depend on how many burping pads you buy. Ideally, they should be washed daily. But no later than every second day.

Do I really need burp cloths? ›

Babies usually need burp cloths for as long as they're fed by bottle or breast. It's different for every child, but they get most of their sustenance from milk until about 12 months of age. While many children continue drinking milk after their first birthday, they may not still need to be burped each time.

Can you reuse burp cloths for a second baby? ›

If you are expecting a second baby and want to know if you can reuse your burping towels, the answer is yes you can.

What should you not put on your registry? ›

Beyond the major points I've covered here, you should also avoid asking for things like joke gifts, collectibles, unnecessary duplicates, or perishable items. Remember, the purpose of the gift registry is not to simply get great stuff for free.

What material makes the best burp cloths? ›

Good quality burp cloths will have two layers. The first layer can be printed but should be made of cotton. This makes it look beautiful and is the first layer in absorbing dribble. The second layer should be bamboo or fleece.

How many items should you put on a baby registry? ›

First-time-mom baby registries typically include between 100 and 120 items. This should be more than enough to cover everything you will need for your baby. Because with any type of baby registry, the aim is to only get things for your baby that you will actually need and use.

What diaper is best for burp cloth? ›

Gerber cloth diapers in a pack of 10 are hands down the best burp rags out there.” “Get Gerber Cloth Diapers makes very absorbent burp clothes and much cheaper than traditional ones.”

Can receiving blankets be used as burp cloths? ›

A receiving blanket makes a good stand-in for a burp cloth in a pinch.

How long do burp cloths last? ›

You should change them once they are wet or covered in spit-up. Our handmade burp cloths are designed so you can use one side, and then flip around to use the other. Meaning you could use them a minimum of two times. But if your baby doesn't spit up a lot you may be able to use them up to 10 times before washing.

What can I use instead of burp cloths? ›

If you're looking for a burp cloth that will last through even the most explosive feedings, look no further than cloth diapers; they're a great alternative to regular burp cloths.

Do I need to wash burp cloths before use? ›

Pre-washing doesn't mean you have to wash and dry every single onesie, burp cloth, and towel before the baby is born. Just make sure to wash baby clothes or linen before you use them. Tip: Pre-wash baby clothes in phases, starting with items marked in sizes newborn through 0-3 months.

What can I do with old burp cloths? ›

Read on for my top five favorite uses for Lil Helper burp cloths.
  • Car & Screen Cleaning. The bamboo terry on burp cloths is perfect for giving screens and chrome a shine without the smudge. ...
  • Bath Splash Catcher. ...
  • Baby Burp Cloth to Grown-Up Bar Cloth. ...
  • Garden Mat. ...
  • Burp Cloth turned Kids Lovey. ...
  • About the Author.
Jul 30, 2021

How many newborn and 0-3 month clothes? ›

0 – 3 month – Plan on two outfits and a sleeper each day, but don't overbuy in this range as your child will grow quickly. 3 – 6 month – Plan on one to two outfits a day plus a sleeper.

How many onesies do I need for 0-3 months? ›

0-3 Months Clothing Size

Since your baby will be growing pretty quickly at this stage, it's a good idea not to go overboard. Stick to the two outfits a day rule, making sure you have at least 14 different options to experiment with. Onesies and rompers are still excellent choices here.

Do I need receiving blankets and burp cloths? ›

A soft, gentle receiving blanket is a perfect way to give your baby some added softness—and to protect your area rugs from accidental spit-up situations. Burp cloth. Sometimes, a burp cloth just doesn't cut it. Either the mess is too big, they may all be in the laundry, or you simply forgot one at home.

Do newborns need burp cloths? ›

There's little that's more useful than a burp cloth during the first few months of your baby's life. And when your little one is older; you can find lots of new uses for these treasured baby items. Burp cloths are the only thing that you'll always need on hand to quickly mop away sick and spit-up.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.