Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (2025)

Last updated on May 19, 2024 at 00:00by Impakt

On this page, you will learn about the Pets system for Hunters in Cataclysm Classic.You will also find out how to get the best pets and use them efficienty.


Hunter Pet Classification

Pets are separated into different families based on their types, such as cats,boars, or spiders. Each of the different pet families also falls intoone of three categories: offensive, defensive, or general. As the names wouldsuggest, offensive pets deal more damage while taking more damage, defensivepets take less damage while dealing less damage, and general pets are morebalanced. Along these lines, pets have pet-specific talent trees.Pets will have one of three talent trees based on if they are Ferocity, Cunning, or Tenacity.

When deciding on a pet, there are only two important things to consider. First,what category does it fall into? In almost every possible situation in PvE, you will wanta Ferocity pet. The Ferocity pets not only do the most damage, but they have an exceptionalcooldown as a talent that is too good to pass up. Second, you will also notice that somepets have unique abilities, such as a Wolf's Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (1) Furious Howl. These can be very usefulabilities to have and it is worth having one such pet for whenever you might want that ability.Again, for most Hunters you will just use a Wolf the majority of the time.


Pet Recommendations for Hunters

For leveling, basically any pet will do just fine. For solo-levelers, your best bet willprobably be a Tenacity pet such as a Bear because of the durability and ability to tankmultiple enemies at once. For anyone in a group or if you are more sure of yourselfwhile leveling, Ferocity pets such as Wolves will be the best.

It is also worth noting that you do not need to worry about what level of pet youchoose to tame. Pets will now always be at minimum 5 levels below you. If you tame a Level10 wolf at Level 80, it will immediately jump to 75. Even then it will quickly catch up toyour level as you kill enemies.

At Level 60 as a Beast Mastery Hunter, you also will get access to Exotic pets. This meansyou can finally tame some of the cool looking animals that were previously unable to betamed, such as the Devilsaurs in Un'goro Crater. For the most part, these just look cooland do not provide substantial combat benefits over normal pets.


Pet Buffs

The trademark of pets in Cataclysm is that a large number of them bring either a raid buffor a debuff that is going to benefit your entire raid. However, none of the buffs and debuffs broughtare strictly unique to the pets themselves. In a normal 25 man raid, you should expect all of thebuffs and debuffs to be covered by the raid members, which means your pet buff is going to berelatively useless. However, Hunters are the only class that effectively get to pick and choose a missingraid buff to bring by selecting what pet they use. For most Hunters, this is the best way to choosethe pet you want to use in raids or dungeons.



Wolves are the best default pet for all PvE content as a Hunter assuming youdo not have any other raid buffs. Thisis entirely due to their ability, Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (2) Furious Howl, which gives everyone in your raidgroups 5% crit chance as a raid buff. However, this does not stack with the other 5% crit chanceraid buffs brought by specs such as Fury Warriors.


Pet Training

Unlike in TBC and original Classic, you no longer have to micro-manage yourpet's training. Regardless of what type of pet you tame, it will start with the correctabilities, and it will automatically learn all of its ability upgrades as it levels with you.No need to tame new pets just to learn new abilities.


Pet Talents

Pet training points are completely gone. Instead, pets now have talent trees. Theyearn 1 talent point every 4 levels starting at Level 20, which they can spend in theirtalent tree. The tree they have is determined by the class of pet. As a Hunter in PvEcontent, you should use a Ferocity pet, so we will cover the Ferocity tree below. Theexact ordering of points that you should always use is below. The tree does not changeever for PvE.

  1. 2/2 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (3) Serpent Swiftness;
  2. 1/1 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (4) Dash;
  3. 3/3 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (5) Spiked Collar;
  4. 3/3 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (6) Culling the Herd;
  5. 3/3 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (7) Spider's Bite;
  6. 1/1 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (8) Call of the Wild;
  7. 1/1 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (9) Rabid;
  8. 1/2 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (10) Bloodthirsty, or 1/2 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (11) Boar's Speed;
  9. 2/2 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (12) Wild Hunt.

As a Beast Mastery Hunter, you also will gain 4 additional talent points. Finish off 2/2 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (13) Wild Hunt,2/2 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (14) Shark Attack, and finally 2/2 in Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (15) Bloodthirsty.

The single most important point is Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (16) Call of the Wild. It is the primaryreason that we use Ferocity pets, as it gives Hunters another powerful cooldown.


Other Hunter Pet Resources

For more information on specific pets or abilities and where to find them,you should check out Petopia.

Cataclysm Classic Beast Mastery Hunter Pets System (2025)


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Bloodlust for your group, then I recommend the same as for Raiding, a Spirit Beast. These do not provide healing reduction, however, so in dungeons where this is a concern, swap to a Tenacity Healing Reduction pet, like a Direhorn, Hydra, Lizard, or Riverbeast.

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Survival Hunters are the best specialization when it comes to Cataclysm Classic without a doubt. They are the best in both single target DPS and AoE.

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Clefthoof (Beast Mastery only) - These are extremely tanky pets due to the combination of Predator's Thirst for self-healing, Thick Hide as a defensive cooldown, and extra healing/armor from Blood of the Rhino.

Do beast mastery hunters get two pets? ›

While you can still only have one pet out at a time*, you can have up to 5 in your pet bar, ready to be called out. *If you take the Beast Mastery talent Animal Companion you can also have a second pet out, but in a reduced capacity.

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Hunter DPS Season of Discovery
  • Class Overview.
  • Talent Builds & Runes.
  • Leveling Tips & Tricks.
  • Hunter Pet Tier List. Pet Tier List. S Tier. Cat. Raptor. Wind Serpent. A Tier. Scorpid. Boar. Wolf. B Tier. Owl. Bat. Vulture. Spider. Crocolisk. Hyena. Tallstrider. C Tier. Bear. Turtle. Crab.
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Best Hunter Pets For Leveling in Classic WoW
  • Owls: Owls are immediately accessible to Night Elves, as they are abundant everywhere in the starting zones. ...
  • Carrion Birds: Carrion Birds are the easier to obtain Horde alternative.

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Alliance Races
  • Worgen is the best race for for DPS as Alliance due to Viciousness. ...
  • Human is a rather weak option since Hunters do not get the expertise benefit of Mace Specialization and Sword Specialization. ...
  • Dwarf is a decent durable race due to. ...
  • Night Elf is rather weak for Hunter, really only offering.
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Hit Rating until you reach hit cap of 8% (961 hit rating) is the first important secondary stat. This secondary stat is important is it will remove the chance that your Auto Shot and all other abilities will miss the target.

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Class Viability for Fury Warrior DPS

Fury Warriors are a very niche DPS in Cataclysm. Focused on high burst windows, they require a heavy amount of setup and special gear in order to maximize and snapshot their enrage bonuses.

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Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Beast Mastery (BM) Hunter Best Professions
  • Engineering: Best profession thanks to. Truesight Ice Blinders. for early gearing.
  • and. .
  • .
  • Leatherworking, Tailoring, Enchanting, Inscription, and Alchemy: All provide comparable stat bonuses with.

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Best Stats for Beast Mastery Hunters
  • Weapon Dps.
  • Agility.
  • Mastery, Critical Strike and Haste.
  • Versatility.
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The Basics of Beast Mastery Hunter in Dragonflight

Beast Mastery is quite simple in its execution and it is an ideal spec for someone new to raiding, or just WoW in general. It is one of the most popular specs in the game's history and has seen use in many World First kills.

Do all Hunter pets do the same damage? ›

With all pets being equal in terms of damage-dealing, it falls upon the special abilities of the pets, the encounter, and what other classes are present which determines which pet a hunter would use.

Does Hunter's Mark work with beastmaster? ›

The Beast Master Companion will also benefit from Hunter's Mark through their Prey's Scent ability. Can be recast without consuming a Spell Slot if the target dies, as long as you maintain Concentration.

How many pets can you have in beast master? ›

With abilities the beastmaster is supposed to be able to summon up to 4 pets with abilities. Apparently you can still only summon 1 of each type of pet.

What is the best pet for beastmaster in Dragonflight? ›

The best pet for Beast Mastery Hunters in Dragonflight is a Undead Raptor. This is a Cunning pet, meaning you have access to Master's Call and Pathfinding.

Does Hunter pet matter in Dragonflight? ›

In Dragonflight, all pets do equal damage. The only thing that differentiates Pets are their specialization (Ferocity, Cunning, and Tenacity), and their "Family Ability." Unless you are doing competitive content, you do not have to worry about having the "right" pet.

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